Juujika No Rokunin

Read Juujika No Rokunin Manga Online

Juujika no Rokunin is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Shiryuu Nakatake. It was originally serialized in Kodansha‘s shōnen manga magazine Bessatsu Shōnen Magazine from March to October 2020, and was transferred to Magazine Pocket app and website since November 2020, with its chapters collected into fourteen tankōbon volumes as of December 2023.

Synopsis :

Labeled “Experiment A” by five of his classmates and tortured throughout sixth grade, Uruma Shun hung on by a thread. When his bullies targeted his family, leaving him with nobody but his grandfather, it was the final straw—Uruma had suffered enough. Determined to get back at his enemies, Uruma begged his grandfather, a World War II veteran, to guide him through the path of vengeance.

Four years later, Uruma completes his intense training and embarks on a brutal journey of torture and retribution to hunt down the five monsters who made his school life a living hell.

Suspense :

Discover JnR Manga, where Japanese comics shine! Welcome to Juujikanorokunin-manga.com, your home for captivating stories, vibrant characters, and stunning artwork. Whether you’re a manga fan or new to the scene, Juujika No Rokunin Manga Online offers something for everyone. Immerse yourself in this extraordinary manga world, where creativity knows no limits. At JnR Manga, we’re committed to delivering an unmatched manga experience, ensuring every visit to our site leads to thrilling adventures in its unique universe.

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